The migratory and colonial influence of my lineage is complex. My mother’s line comes from the Philippines, from Luzon and Visaya. The Philippines are an intricate archipelago, and because of this, my genetic pool possibly includes a combination of DNA material from China, Japan, India, Spain, Africa, Australia and North America (part imperialistic force, part natural migration).

My patrilineal line descends from Norway, Ireland, Scotland, France, Canada, and Coast Salish. I don’t identify as Coast Salish because the familial and cultural connection was not fostered, and the point of entry was 4 generations ago. I do, however, hold the knowledge in my heart.

Why share all of this?

Explaining my ancestry shines light on my healing service; a cumulative philosophy inspired by ancient wisdom from Japan, China, India, Scandinavia & First Nations People. I empower myself to celebrate my heritage, and re-frame my post-colonial experience with a collage of rituals, mythologies, and practices that buoy my life and bring me peace.

When I rest in stillness and meditation, the borders of countries and divisive intellectual concepts evaporate. I feel myself as effervescent, my sense of body temporarily disintegrates, and I enter an awareness and state of being where I expand beyond my individuality. I feel myself as one with the whole energetic motion of humans, animals, plant life, and cosmos.



I have been practicing my healing techniques since 2007, and became a certified Reiki Master in 2014. The teachers that appeared for me were shaman/medicine Person Char Sundust; medicine person, Dariusz Rawa; Reiki Master Daisy Thompson; and Qi Gong Master Chunliang Huang.

Their philosophies, techniques, and rituals taught me how to self-author my life experience, and how to metabolize my history of trauma as the gateway of personal and spiritual awareness. Because of their training, I am now able to be in service to my community, and to you.


Before committing myself to the path of service as a Reiki master and healer, I was a career driven fine artist.

As a self-trained, cross-disciplinary artist, I have shown in universities along the west coast and in highly respected art houses throughout Seattle, WA.  I am featured in a wide array of Pacific Northwest publications, nationally in Blouin's Modern Painters, and have been published by Rutgers University.

My primary focus is identity-based video-painting and performance documentation, exploring intersections between the physical and spiritual. Most eloquently stated by Ana Mendieta, “My art work is grounded in the belief of one universal energy which flows through everything.” My healing art, and healing service, extends from this flow.

Thank you for taking the time to learn about me. I hope our paths cross on this magnificent journey.